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Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Minkara Travel to Brussels

Special Advisor Sara Minkara will travel to Brussels, Belgium, September 10 to 13, for meetings with government officials, local non-governmental organizations, disability activists, and representatives of the United States missions to the EU and NATO. She will connect with EU and NATO representatives on integrating disability rights into our shared diplomatic objectives. Her meetings with the EU will seek to incorporate accessibility and disability inclusion into the Ukraine Reconstruction efforts. At NATO, Special Advisor Minkara will discuss applying disability approaches as a tool in peace building and crisis management.

Follow Special Advisor Minkara on the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor’s Facebook and Twitter @StateDRL and Instagram @usa_humanrights.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/special-advisor-on-international-disability-rights-minkara-travel-to-brussels/

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