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USCIS Incorporates General Adjudications Guidance into the Policy Manual

We are incorporating existing guidance from the Adjudicator’s Field Manual (AFM) into the USCIS Policy Manual. In general, this update does not make major substantive changes, but consolidates and incorporates existing AFM guidance on general adjudications topics into the Policy Manual, streamlines USCIS immigration policy, and removes obsolete information.

The update:

  • Incorporates existing guidance regarding types of evidence, including primary and secondary evidence, documentary and testimonial evidence, and original documents and document translations.
  • Incorporates existing guidance regarding adjudicative decisions including approvals, and denials.
  • Incorporates existing guidance regarding post-decision actions such as actions on approved applications or petitions.
  • Explains how officers should handle cases involving unreliable evidence, including consulting the Department of State’s Reciprocity Table, providing information on voluntary DNA collection options, and referring certain cases for in-person interviews.
  • Clarifies that when a petitioner, beneficiary, or authorized representative requests a copy of a signed sworn statement taken during an interview, officers provide a copy of the statement to the affiant (the person making the statement)at the conclusion of the interview where the statement was taken.

For more information, see Volume 1: General Policies and Procedures, Part E, Adjudications, Chapter 6, Evidence [1 USCIS-PM E.6]; Chapter 9, Rendering a Decision [1 USCIS-PM E.9]; Chapter 10, Post-Decision Actions [1 USCIS-PM E.10].

Official news published at https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/alerts/uscis-incorporates-general-adjudications-guidance-into-the-policy-manual

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