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Announcing the Renaming of the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance to the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability

Today the Department of State is officially announcing the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability (ADS), the new name of the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance. This name change reflects the full scope of this Bureau’s long-standing work and its role in addressing new challenges posed by emerging security technologies and domains. ADS leads Department of State efforts on developing, negotiating, implementing, and verifying compliance with a range of arms control and disarmament agreements and arrangements; extended deterrence; missile defense; confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs); risk reduction; and crisis communications. Working with others in the Department, ADS has grown its capacity to respond to issues relating to artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and quantum computing. Today, the Bureau is playing a key role in establishing and promoting norms of responsible behavior in outer space, cyberspace, and with artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. Diplomatic efforts advancing these issues contribute to integrated deterrence, global stability, and international security.

This change reflects a broader effort within the Department to address emerging 21st century national security challenges. While the core functions of ADS remain the same – to use diplomacy to reduce risks and avoid miscalculations – we recognize how we must modernize our approaches and expand our thinking to help build a more stable, peaceful world.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/announcing-the-renaming-of-the-bureau-of-arms-control-verification-and-complianceto-the-bureau-of-arms-control-deterrence-and-stability/

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